This index page connects you to the ancestors of A.J. and Angeline Dann, and includes many siblings of those ancestors as well. It also includes descendants of the siblings of A.J. and Angeline. It is a catalog of old aunts and uncles, and of shirt- tail cousins.

Hopefully, the links below will be self- explanatory.

Dann ancestors

Files in this category begin with the "Dan" family on the island of Barbados, and includes all known Danns who descended from them, excluding "our" line through A.J. Dann.

Van Hoesen ancestors

Files in this section cover the interesting tangle of family names of New Amsterdam and the Dutch settlements that lingered on the Hudson for generations afterwards. It starts in Holstein, Denmark and ends up in Hornby Forks, new York.

shirttail cousins

This section includes the descendants of the siblings of Andrew and Angeline. It is a collection of more contemporary aunts and uncles and of shirttail cousins. There is quite a bit of information on the line through Andrew's brother Alpheus.

longshirttail cousins

This section has information on more distant cousins, those descended from aunts and uncles of A.J. Dann for example. It can be useful in connecting distant branches to our own.

Dotte Hayes has compiled an extensive collection of Dann data, which is either well- documented or specifically noted as uncorroborated. Many elements of these records are mentioned elsewhere on this site, but many are not.

Her notes are fascinating to read because for each question they answer, they cause you to ask two more questions!

Dotte's file titled A.J. Dann extended family

Dotte"s file titled Danns to research

Uncataloged or uncorroborated information about the families.

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